I feel like I've been worn down since 2015, when the Bloated Yam glided down that escalator to face that bunch of hired actors.

It's been 10 years of this garbage.

And he won't go away.

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It's true. And it's emotionally and physically exhausting. He's shown he won't go away willingly; we have to show him the door. This election is our best opportunity to end his political career once and for all. 💙💪

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And his liberty.

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Absolutely! It is 3:33 Eastern/ anxiously awaiting the 5:00 verdict. Good grief! Last minute shenanigans are insane. Thanks to Ms. Hornish for the coverage on this important issue!

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So so true. I love that video, not least because it reminds me that Harris and Walz are both people I'd love to have as neighbors.

It helps that the orange menace does not have the federal government for a platform. We need to keep it that way.

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Sep 10Liked by Michele Hornish

I am absolutely livid at Ashcroft, Bailey, and the two chicks who went whining to Limbaugh, but especially the women. What are they trying to accomplish?

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Sep 15Liked by Michele Hornish

Good coaches know that as well

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Sep 15Liked by Michele Hornish

Fighting like hell you all

Are. And if you don’t fight like hell you won’t have a country anymore. Truer words have never been spoken by the bombastic bawler🤺


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Be strong. The arc of justice is coming.

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Looks like it will be on the ballot! Congrats and thank you and every single woman and man in Missouri who signed that petition. I'm in a "safe" state, but we need every single state to be safe for all, and forever

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I feel your pain. That is all I can say. Being in Texas with our AG demanding women’s health records if they left the state, our senator sending our pictures of kittens saying that immigrants are eating them, and then talking with voters who still think January 6 was a good thing and telling me I need to read what they read to know the truth. It is exhausting and I feel like we are living in an alternate universe. So all I can do is put my head down and just write postcards today, register voters tomorrow, just put one foot in front of another.

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I just saw a headline that the amendment stays in the ballot!

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Thank you for writing this. I’ve been exhausted for a long time. As a queer person who faced discrimination in a public library job, I got radicalized. But I also learned that the burden of organizing falls much more heavily on some than others. I organize because I know it’s for my life and the lives of those I care about. For me, the most local level feels like the most crucial. I want myself and my partner to feel comfortable in our town. I just want to feel safe. So I am exhausted. But the only place I find real peace and happiness is in organizing—when I find others who are doing the work too, and who understand what we’re going through here. Every piece like this that I read makes me feel more seen and less alone. You are a shoulder to lean on just in writing this. ❤️

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Sep 15Liked by Michele Hornish


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Yay! The abortion measure will be on the ballot! Good work, Michele et al!

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Michele, continue to take the fight to them! You’re the strongest fighter I know!💪🏻

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do you have a link for a one time donation to Blue Missouri, or another good org that will help the abortion rights ballot in MO?

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