Aug 31Liked by Michele Hornish

Of course I want Laura to win. However, even if she doesn’t succeed but she gets more “blue” voters to vote the trickle-down effect is likely to be real and it can affect both the top of the ticket and the other down-ballot races. A good example - Sherrod Brown is at risk and he will be helped.

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Aug 31·edited Sep 1Author

EXACTLY. We're so conditioned to think of political campaigns as binary – a win/loss. But there's so much progress in between. Funding and contesting "flippable" districts isn't bad on its own – it just can't be the *only* note we play in an election. But all too often it is. We have essentially ceded ground in far too many districts across the country.

Democrats know that we need to do more to engage voters in rural and red districts. That's as simple as empowering the folks who are willing to roll up their sleeves that do that work. Laura's a great example, but there are so many more.

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Aug 31Liked by Michele Hornish

This story inspired me to start a monthly donation to Every State Blue, and to increase my support for a courageous young woman running against a MAGA a$$hat for a NM state house district. There’s very little chance she’ll win but it will give despondent Democrats in this district a reason to vote and that will benefit all Dem candidates on the ballot. Every race matters. Too many MAGAs running unopposed, even in New Mexico, a “blue” state.

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Thank you Rochelle! Both for your support of ESB, and for your support of that statehouse candidate. 💙💙💙

So often they travel this road solo - it means a lot to have dedicated supporters who have their back.

There’s so much benefit for running everywhere. Boosting turnout, generating momentum for Dems in every corner of the state… and of course, opposing a$$hats. :)

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Georgia Democrats need help in very red Districts. If you want to be rid of Marjory Taylor Green, go to

https://www.shawnforgeorgia.com/ and help Shawn Harris win in 2024!

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Aug 31Liked by Michele Hornish

I love what Blue Ohio is doing and always feel good when I see a post from you, Jess Piper or David Pepper. While I haven’t donated to Blue Ohio, I’ve been sending money directly to the Democrat running to be my state representative. I hope he will be able to flip the district, but, if not, it will be money well spent.

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I love this!!! Having canvassed hard last summer for the abortion initiative it was disheartening when I would go neighborhood to neighborhood and only have 10% of the houses on my MiniVan list. But every step, every conversation counts!

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Sep 1Liked by Michele Hornish

Going to end gerrymandering in Ohio in November.

We voted to do it before.

But the lying, liars continued.

7 more gerrymandered maps.

Truly shameless Republicans in Ohio.

Citizens not politicians is on the ballot in November and we mean to remove this particular tool from their lying, thieving repertoire for good.

No matter how much Frank Larose and his underhanded buddies try to prevent it.

I had knee replacement surgery on a Tuesday and went out to sign the petition on saturday to make sure it was on the ballot.

Sick of them.

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Sep 2Liked by Michele Hornish

I cannot wait for this !!! I started donating monthly to Forgotten Democrats several months ago because of FP Wellman and I just donated to ESB for the first time. Should be very interesting in Ohio in the next few seasons. 🤘🏼

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This is real bottom line democracy. So uplifting, this dream that leads us onward.

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Sep 1Liked by Michele Hornish

Paul Wellstone used a bus on his senate campaign in Minnesota

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Yes he did! Thank you for that reminder!

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Sep 1Liked by Michele Hornish

Run for everything! Run everywhere!

Republicans learned long ago that local races are personal and drive up voter turnout. If Democrats had paid attention to state house races during the Obama years, the US House of Representatives would not be as gerrymandered today. Instead, we have Democratic deserts.

Thank you for beginning and believing in the fixing of this problem.

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Aug 31Liked by Michele Hornish

Incredible! This is how we win! The Every State projects make such an impact. Join us! You’ll see your money at work, maybe even buying a bus! We’re in it for the long haul.

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Sep 1Liked by Michele Hornish

I’m proud to be a monthly contributor to Blue Ohio! I love the philosophy of running everywhere

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This is amazing. As a Texan, I greatly appreciate this mindset. I keep saying Texas isn’t a red state, it’s a purple state with massive voter suppression that isn’t supported enough by the Democratic Party.

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Sep 3Liked by Michele Hornish

Blue Horizons Texas would agree:


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Every time I look at this bus, I get goose bumps, and I can't stop smiling. I asked my husband for one and it's not in the cards right now....but who knows it may just inspire me to run again someday! 💙

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