Jun 12Liked by Michele Hornish

Remember it was 34 felony counts and all 12 jurors voted to convict unanimously on each count - that’s 408 votes to convict.

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Jun 8Liked by Michele Hornish

This is a great piece, can a major outlet republish? Can you send it to the DNC or someone with a big mouth? THIS is exactly the problem with DNC messaging, so much so that Dems all over substack and FB talk about the Dems missing the mark and going soft and avoiding confrontation is both mystifying and infuriating to them. So much so that staunchly left Dems and people who are educated observers of government and politics are left mouth agape wondering cycle in and out if there's some rigged game the Dems are in on, or are they Republicans running as Dems? They are supposed to be speaking on behalf of their constituents and we don't hear our voices heard when we are horrified at the prospect of Trump running again and they just say nothing and let the GOP stake the flag for themselves on every news cycle. The only Dems who are setting the standard and speaking out are Joe and Kamala at the top of the party. Why? Her recent interview on Kimmel should be THE talking points repeated by every Dem now until the election. They show skewering the GOP with news about their felon candidate is easily doable.

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Jun 6Liked by Michele Hornish

You’re absolutely correct!

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If a president’s son is convicted on 5th Avenue, will he lose any voters?

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Millions of apps each year, very few flagged for lying, miniscule number prosecuted for lying, they are making a sacrificial lamb to prove a point. I don't recall the follow on stories about him threatening other people, beating or murdering his wife or girlfriend, committing other acts of violence or aggression, and can someone tell me why he only had the gun for a handful of days while he's in recovery? I don't understand the case at all. On the other hand, Cheeto defrauded 300 million people and because he did it with paper and words instead of guns he's going to get 'probation' and continue to be an unreformed drug addict and a constant menace to the other 300 million people whether they know it or not because he has an Rx script and a lot of extrajudicial political power...

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