Jul 31Liked by Michele Hornish

Actually, the first person that I can remember who called trump weird was Gearge W. bush after Trump's inauguration speech. Bush, when asked to comment, was reported to say, "that was some weird shit".

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You’re so right - and he was spot on!

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Jul 31Liked by Michele Hornish

This is a terrific essay. Fact-filled, action packed, and easy to read. I love the reference to “Action Therapy.” Perfect.

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Oh my goodness! Thank you for these kind words. You’ve made my day. 💙

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Jul 30Liked by Michele Hornish

Weird is good word. I’d like to throw out “lame” as another strength-sapping but totally dismissive word.

Trump won’t commit to debate? Lame. Trump mispronounces Kamala’s name? Lame. JD meant no offense to cats? Lame.

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I like it!

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Jul 30Liked by Michele Hornish

The MAGA crowd is just plain sick mentally! Gotta be stopped, period!

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No doubt about it!

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As a Minnesota native weird is often a favorable term used for those of us willing to freeze throughout long snowy winters, hot and humid, mosquito riddled summers, yet still call this home! Thanks for sharing a very fun read, with plenty of excellent content!!

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Jul 30Liked by Michele Hornish

I am a fan of uniqueness, individuality and flying our own weirdo flags, but I am realizing that I have a cringe factor I was unaware of. It emerges when folks try to form a cult around their brand of weirdness.

Don’t get me wrong, synergy is awesome!

However, synergy means we are discovering commonalities within our uniqueness not attempting to conform all and everyone that surrounds us to our will.

My love, stay unique!!

Claim your own weirdness and remain a gorgeous individual.

However, remember the caveat though, others have that absolute right!

So… how do we get ‘weird’ right??

I think some things we can work on are…

Avoid conformity and embrace respectful collaboration.

Allow others to be true to themselves and live on their own unique terms without condemnation.

if it is not causing harm to themselves or others, let ‘em be.

Consider why you are labeling someone or something “weird”!

Is it just because it is different than you or what you are used to - that is actually AOkay and is good weird.

If behaviors are demanding deviating from what you know, condemning others who do not think like you, and demanding that everyone and everything behave as it does without question ‘cause it is THE ONLY “right” way’ - this is bad weird.

I am not a fan of labels. At the end of the day, we may not have the full picture to be accurate in placing a label upon someone. We each walk our own path.

I lean into identities

I want to listen and learn how someone wants to be seen and thought of.

I want to stand witness and celebrate when the walk matches the talk.

As a friend, I will always be there for support and, as a friend, I will call ‘bullshiizz’ needed.

I hope I will have restraint in doling out labels on persons and things that are ‘other’ to me, but can remain discerning in the realm of weirdness by asking:

Is it good, kind and necessary?

Will it cause harm to self or others?

Overall, is it good or bad weird?

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As soon as I heard the word - weird- I smiled . Finally nailed it. At some visceral level I think everyone in America knows that is true. I mean everyone. Thanks for the piece.

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This is great! The MAGA weirdness is so evident that surely it can be seen from space!

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I love weird! And you’re right, it’s just people naming it and speaking the truth. Feels very healthy. Thanks for sharing this accounting of events.

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Vance is a christofacist misogynist. Trump is a serial sex offender and a convicted felon. Calling them “weird” is not only childish but diverts attention from the danger they pose to our nation, especially women. Between the tictocs and the tweets and the memes you would think Harris was running for Class President and not President of the United States. Harris is a smart, accomplished woman with the capacity to lead our nation. Someone’s giving her some really bad advice on how to win over voters. It’s all fun and games now but people vote on bread and butter issues not on the most amusing campaign.

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I’ve tried really hard to like the Democratic Party, but they still haven’t called out the IDF raping Palestinians. Biden has signed every document authorizing bombs that are used on civilians, and even Harris still says she’ll back Israel no matter what. Yeah, they’re witty, but they’re still for the people.

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